"What Do You Think Are the Most Important Media Today and Why?"
By Spenninger Melissa.
Written in 2020.
I believe that the most important fashion media today is none other than the Internet. When it comes to self-expression and personalisation, the Internet is a boundless playground for experimentation and discovery. Many use this to their advantage, using unique visuals and aesthetics to “amplify their brand messaging” (Rush), from well-known brands to small-scale fashion bloggers.
Ever since its birth, the Internet’s reach is ever-expanding. Walking down the street, nearly every person I see has a smartphone or tablet in hand, and is browsing the web in some form or the other. It’s undeniable—the massive impact the Internet has on our society.
The number of people on the internet at an all-time high, with numbers only expected to rise, it is no surprise that fashion brands and print-based media companies have hopped on the bandwagon of using the Internet as a tool to connect to their customers or consumers. Utilising online platforms allows brands to expand their presence, solidifying connections with pre-existing customers and fans, as well as attracting newer audiences with new content. Fashion brands and creators are now able to connect with fans across the globe, something that wouldn't be commonplace if not for the Internet.
With the internet, the invisible barrier between creator and consumer has been removed— consumers can get updates on and interact with brands and other creators “on a level that previously didn't exist” (Rose), while fashion creators can use data to “learn about their audience” (Rose), allowing them to better tailor their customers’ experiences to suit their preferences. This mutually beneficial system has created a seemingly intimate connection between consumer and creator.
The rise of Internet culture has created an entirely new slew of individuals who contribute to the fashion industry. Content creators such as fashion bloggers, vloggers, freelance writers, and to an extent, influencers have a voice that can dictate what’s ‘in’ or what’s not, and potentially have the power to influence the fashion industry.
The Internet’s popularity does not seem to be dying down anytime soon, due to its convenience and accessibility. Thus, in order not to “get left behind” (Brandes), fashion creators and consumers alike use online platforms to stay relevant and keep up-to-date on the happenings within the industry.
Rose, Katie Jane. “How Important is Social Media in Building a Fashion Brand?” i-D, 17th March 2015 https://i-d.vice.com/en_uk/article/j58g5k/how-important-is-social-media-in-building-a-fashion-brand Accessed 9th January 2020
Brandes, Bertie. “How the Internet Changed the Fashion Industry” i-D, 15 March 2016, https://i-d.vice.com/en_uk/article/7xv4vy/how-the-internet-changed-the-fashion-industry Accessed 9th January 2020